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Folic acid application how many tablets per day. Daily intake of folic acid during pregnancy. Iodomarin and folic acid when planning pregnancy

What should be the dosage of folic acid when planning a pregnancy for women? As well as the role of folic acid for men. Everything in this article!

The body constantly needs vitamins and minerals. During pregnancy, for the normal development of the fetus, it is necessary to take high doses of nutrients. Biosubstances obtained from food and pharmacy packages are not enough for the expectant mother. Of particular importance is attached to folic acid, which belongs to the group of water-soluble B vitamins.

In humans, the reserves of the component are 10-20 mg, however, the reserve must be replenished daily, since it is produced by the body in small quantities in a healthy intestinal flora. Moreover, the component obtained from food is destroyed by 90% during heat treatment. Compared to its natural counterpart, vitamin B9 tablets are better absorbed. In a pregnant woman, its deficiency is fraught with serious consequences. The need for admission increases every month - as the fetus develops.

Why take folic acid

Daily intake of the vitamin in the first semester prevents the development of intrauterine anomalies in the formation of the neural tube, from which the spinal cord and brain are formed. Possible malformations:

  • anencephaly (malformation of the brain);
  • malnutrition (delayed fetal development);
  • cleft of the vertebral arches.

Folic acid is directly involved in the formation of blood components - leukocytes, platelets, prevents the development of pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract, vascular and cardiac systems. Besides:

  • minimizes the risk of miscarriage and premature birth;
  • helps to absorb carbohydrates and amino acids;
  • participates in cell division, DNA and RNA synthesis;
  • is present in the formation of the structure of the placenta, tissues of the embryo, blood vessels in the uterus.

With its supply, nucleic acids are synthesized that are responsible for the transmission of genetic traits, so that the child receives hereditary traits.

Every second pregnant woman has a vitamin deficiency. First of all, this applies to women who have been taking hormonal contraceptives for a long period, have abused alcohol, or have gastrointestinal pathologies.

B9 deficiency is easy to identify by external signs. After 2-4 weeks, depending on the reserve capacity of the body, appear:

  • uncontrollable irritation;
  • fast fatiguability.

In advanced cases, megablast anemia develops. Pathology of the bone marrow ends tragically.

How Much Folic Acid Does Your Body Need?

Usually a person needs 200 mcg per day. 3 months before conception, and preferably half a year, up to 4 mg of the vitamin is taken. At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman may not be aware of changes in the body, although already at the 2nd week the embryo forms the part from which the brain develops later. Even a short-term shortage of B 9 can provoke certain violations.

During conception, the norm is 600 mcg. When carrying a child, the needs of the body grow. If the pregnant woman has no abnormalities, folic acid is taken in the recommended doses. It must be borne in mind that complex multivitamins contain 10 times less than the prescribed norm, therefore, along with additives, 3 tablets are additionally taken. Daily volume - from 800 mcg. Vitamin irritates the gastric mucosa, so it is drunk after meals.

The nutrient does not accumulate in the body, so it is important to supply it from the outside in time. This will exclude the appearance of these pathologies, provide the fetus with normal conditions for the formation of organs and systems.

During lactation, the rate does not decrease. With a deficiency of folic acid, postpartum depression progresses. Against this background, the amount of milk decreases, and the child does not receive enough vitamin. Babies:

  • lagging behind in height, weight;
  • suffer from intestinal disorders.

How to choose a drug

Folic acid is produced under the name "Folacin". In a tablet - 5 mg of the active substance, which is 3 times higher than the norm. She is present in "Apo-Folix", which is more often assigned to severe cases. These drugs are not recommended for prophylactic purposes.

For this purpose, the "Folio" tool is intended with a content of 0.4 mg of the main component and a small amount of iodine. Both micronutrients cover the daily needs of a pregnant woman. Special multivitamin complexes "Materna", "Vitrum prenatal forte", "Pregnavit", dietary supplements with herbal ingredients are suitable.

What could be the consequences?

An overdose of pregnant women does not threaten. Intoxication can cause daily intake of tablets in the amount of 25 pieces. Excess is excreted from the body through the excretory system. However, large doses of vitamin B 9 after 3 months of use can:

  • increase the level of cyanocobalamin and provoke anemia;
  • cause discomfort in the small intestine;
  • load the kidneys;
  • increase nervous excitability.

The maximum doses are prescribed by the doctor based on the results of the analysis for homocysteine. With an increased content of amino acids, it is possible to avoid damage to the walls of blood vessels and the formation of cholesterol plaques. The doctor adjusts the rate at his discretion:

  • with severe toxicosis;
  • genetic defects;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes.

Contraindications - individual intolerance.

Why take a man

A man's sperm may have an abnormal number of chromosomes due to abnormal cell division. In the language of medicine, this sounds like aneuploidy. Pathology leads:

  • to difficulties in conception;
  • increases the risk of gene mutations;
  • transmission of hereditary diseases;
  • in advanced cases ends in infertility.

With aneuploidy, conception can not be counted on. If a miracle happens, the pregnancy ends either in a miscarriage or serious anomalies in the development of the fetus. So, one extra chromosome leads to Down syndrome.
Due to numerical anomalies and structural rearrangements, a child is born with a cleft lip, a number of other gene disorders that lead to disability or end in a tragic outcome.

How to find out that a man needs to drink vitamins? The signs are similar: forgetfulness, problems with the stomach, intestines. In addition, the quality of sperm, the mobility of "gum" decreases in the male. Systematic reception minimizes the percentage of defective spermatozoa.

The assimilation of the nutrient directly depends on the amount of B 12, B 6, ascorbic acid. When using folic acid without additives, the reserves of the remaining components are replenished through the diet. To add natural folin, the diet is made up of plant products and protein. A lot of vitamin B9:

  • in broccoli;
  • leafy greens - parsley, mint, spinach;
  • currants, bananas, apricots, oranges;
  • peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds;
  • whole grain bread;
  • Meat, chicken, dairy products.

Reception of bifidobacteria promotes the synthesis of folic acid in the large intestine.

Unlike tablets, it is difficult to calculate how much food you need to eat to cover the daily allowance, so food serves as an addition to the drug. It has been proven that if the recommended doses are observed and the drug is taken before the onset of pregnancy, the development of intrauterine pathologies can be prevented in 75% of cases.

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Vitamin B9 is necessary for cell division, DNA synthesis, strengthening the immune system, and normalizing the activity of the digestive system. It is involved in the formation and development of the fetus, the formation of the placenta. The daily requirement for folic acid during planning and during pregnancy increases and amounts to 600 mcg.

Why pregnant women are prescribed folic acid

Vitamin B9 participates in the formation of nucleic acids, the processes of transmission of hereditary traits. It is necessary for the development of the fetus, the health of the nervous tissue, which is especially important in fetal development.

  • premature birth;
  • rupture of the amniotic membrane;
  • placental abruption;
  • miscarriage;
  • inadequate development of the spinal cord and brain;
  • mental retardation;
  • congenital defects;
  • the birth of a dead child.

The optimal intake of folic acid is necessary for the prevention of anemia, the absorption of sugar and amino acids, the prevention of blood clots, better milk separation, overcoming increased anxiety, eliminating postpartum depression, improving the absorption, transport and breakdown of proteins.

Reasons for deficiency

A special mucosal enzyme activated by zinc releases vitamin B9 from food, it is absorbed into skinny or iliac gut. A small amount is synthesized by the intestinal microflora.

the necessary female body when planning and during pregnancy, folic acid accumulates liver. It is also found in erythrocytes and leukocytes.

Starvation, diets without the intake of foods rich in vitamin B9, unbalanced nutrition reduce the synthesis of red blood cells in the bone marrow, as well as the level of hemoglobin.

As a result of the resulting deficiency, immunity weakens, fatigue sets in faster, and nervous excitability increases. Hair becomes weak, dry skin, appetite disappears. Fully reserves of vitamin B9 in the body are depleted after three to four months.

During pregnancy, folic acid deficiency is exacerbated by:

  1. lack of appetite for reasons of a nervous nature;
  2. toxicosis, accompanied by profuse frequent vomiting.

Folic acid deficiency leads to malabsorption in the intestines, various abnormalities in liver metabolism, diseases accompanied by loose stools.

Stocks of vitamin B9 reduces the abuse of alcohol before pregnancy, long-term use of antibiotics, sulfonamides, anticonvulsants, contraceptives, and aspirin.

Folic acid deficiency during planning and during pregnancy can lead to anemia with inflammation on the lips, tongue, grayish-brown pigmentation of the skin. Taking iron supplements in this case does not lead to a cure.

Lack of vitamin B9 leads to more pronounced toxicosis, frequent depression, pain in the legs.

Dosage and timing of admission

An adult needs to receive up to 300 mcg of folic acid with food every day. When planning and during the entire period of pregnancy, the norm doubles and amounts to 600 mcg.

Three months before pregnancy, as well as during childbearing, doctors recommend increasing the daily dose to eliminate the deficiency.

In case of severe deficiency, the dosage may be increased to the limit of 5000mcg. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after examination and blood test for folate cycle.

It should be remembered that the use of antibiotics can lead to low levels of plasma folic acid and erythrocytes.

An excess intake of vitamin B9 is signaled by insomnia, convulsions, a stomach ache, and a decrease in the concentration of vitamin B12.

Folic acid preparations

To eliminate the deficiency, as well as during planning and during pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe artificially synthesized folic acid preparations:

  1. Mamifol;
  2. Folacin;
  3. Folic acid;
  4. 9 months Folic acid.

They are inexpensive and in a short time help to normalize the performance.

In some cases, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, irritability are possible, a bitter taste appears in the mouth, puffiness. It is necessary to stop using or reduce the dosage, consult a doctor.

Folic acid food table

Many are convinced that folic acid and folates mean the same thing. In reality folates- these are salts of folic acid, they are rich in fresh leaves of green plants ( folium (lat.) - leaf). During heat treatment, 50-90% of vitamin B9 is destroyed.

A balanced diet fully covers the body's needs for folic acid; additional intake of synthesized drugs in the form of tablets during pregnancy is not required.

Table 1. The content of folic acid (folates) in foods
Products (100g)Content (µg)
beef liver260
Sunflower seeds237
Pork liver225
chicory leaves110
savoy cabbage80
Chinese cabbage (pak choi)66
Green pea65
Brussels sprouts61
Pumpkin seeds57
Bulgarian pepper53
Buckwheat grain32
green onion30
White cabbage22
Soy sauce13
Green pea12
Ginger root11

Harm and contraindications

The use of a sufficient amount of folic acid is necessary when planning and during pregnancy. Therefore, during this period, it is especially important to eat some fresh herbs and legumes every day, i.e. get the vitamin from foods in the form of folate.

This measure will help prevent heart disease, malignant tumors, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or hyperactivity disorder in a child.

The use of artificial folic acid preparations helps to quickly eliminate the deficiency before and during pregnancy.

More and more experts are expressing doubts about the benefits of taking artificial vitamin B9, primarily for the health of the unborn child.

Folate intake from natural foods prevents oncological diseases, has a positive effect on the transfer of hereditary information in DNA. The long-term effects of artificial folic acid intake during pregnancy are poorly understood.

According to some studies, taking vitamin B9 tablets increases the chance of breast cancer by 20-50% in women who took artificial folic acid during pregnancy. The child is more likely to develop asthma, heart disease.

Eating processed meats before or during pregnancy also increases your baby's risk of developing leukemia or a brain tumor.

The fact that during pregnancy the body needs increased saturation with folic acid was heard by all future mothers, but not everyone eventually understood why it was needed in such an amount? What threatens the body with a lack of folate, and who needs them: mom or baby?

To understand the need for folic acid, you need to pay attention to the fact that this name hides a water-soluble vitamin called B9. This is a very important biologically active component involved in the process of synthesis, growth and division of cells, the deficiency of which leads to violations of many functions and systems. The question is: does the baby need folic acid - there is no doubt, because it is she who actively influences the growth and proper development of the child. But its most important value is that it prevents the appearance of pathologies of the neural tube of the fetus (hydrocephalus, etc.).

The lack of vitamin B9 also affects the general condition of the expectant mother, which is manifested by increased weakness, very rapid fatigue, headaches, dizziness. The lack of this vitamin affects the work of the central nervous system, which gives impetus to the appearance of fainting, manifested by irritability and memory impairment. Against the background of a weakening of the body and a deficiency of folic acid, the synthesis of red blood cells is disrupted and anemia develops, which is externally manifested by pallor of the skin. In addition, B9 is necessary for the normalization of the liver.

The human body is not inclined to synthesize this acid, we get this vitamin only from certain foods (sunflower seeds, liver, asparagus, greens), but this is barely enough for one organism. When a new life is born in a woman's heart, folate intake must be increased, for this folic acid tablets are prescribed to all pregnant women, regardless of their diet. If we are talking about a second pregnancy, then when, after the first, the child developed a neural tube defect, then the dosage of the vitamin is doubled. The drug is produced by various pharmaceutical companies, its price is affordable, it is freely available in any pharmacy.

Whether to take folic acid and other vitamin complexes or not is a personal matter, and many women ignore them, based on the reviews and advice of friends who managed to give birth to healthy toddlers even without vitamins. Before making such a decision, consider that it is easier to prevent health problems than to eliminate them, and it is not difficult to quickly swallow vitamins before leaving for work.

They start taking folic acid already at the stage of pregnancy planning, but if the baby is a pleasant surprise, then the drug is needed at the first sign of an “interesting” situation.

The daily intake of vitamin B9 at the beginning of pregnancy is 400 mcg and almost all manufacturers include the entire volume in one tablet, so the expectant mother only needs to drink a small tablet once a day with meals or immediately after it, which is very necessary for the baby.

Until how many weeks you will need to take the drug - the doctor will tell you, but it is usually recommended to use it within 12 weeks, despite the fact that the formation of the neural tube occurs from the sixteenth to the twenty-eighth day after conception.

Do not forget to carefully read the instructions for use of the drug before starting the prophylactic course, and also pay attention to the date of manufacture. It is strictly forbidden for a future mother to take expired medicines.

Why you need folic acid when planning a pregnancy

Doctors recommend starting taking folic acid already at the stage of pregnancy planning, no less than a month, or even three before the planned event. If you doubt whether it is necessary to drink the drug in advance, look at the situation from the other side: in the fetus, the formation of the neural tube occurs already on the 16th day after conception, and the expectant mother at this moment does not yet know that the pregnancy has come. Accordingly, she will not have time to fill the body with the vitamin necessary for the embryo on time.

Today, doctors strongly recommend prophylactic vitamin B9 intake for men. Many dads-to-be wonder why they need it, and it's quite simple: folate plays a huge role in cell development, and its deficiency reduces the number of healthy sperm that can survive in the uterus for three to four days waiting for an egg. The prophylactic dosage of the vitamin is 400 mcg. Judging by the reviews, the drug is well tolerated, it does not affect the reaction rate when driving a car (which is especially worrisome for men).

These vitamins are combined with most drugs and practically do not have side effects. An exception can only be in case of individual intolerance and with some disorders in the immune system.

Vitamin B9 is well absorbed by the body, but before taking it in dosage form, the expectant mother should give up alcohol and it is advisable to exclude the passion for strong coffee. These foods interfere with the normal absorption of folate and have an adverse effect on the development of the baby.

How to replenish the body with folic acid in the first weeks of pregnancy and until the very birth

Folic acid is the number one vitamin during pregnancy, and not only in the very first days, but throughout the first trimester (up to 12 weeks). Many future mothers, having learned that the formation of the neural tube of the fetus occurs before the 28th day after conception, mistakenly think that 5 weeks of prevention is enough. This is not entirely true, because vitamin B9 is necessary for cells, the hematopoietic system, and is reflected in the formation of the placenta, i.e. the body also needs it at week 39, but in the later stages there is no need to take it as a separate drug. Usually, its required dose is contained in multivitamin complexes prescribed to all expectant mothers, especially after 30 weeks.

Be sure, no matter what period you are now (at 5 or 35 weeks), try to use as much as possible more products rich in folates. These include:

  • liver (preferably beef);
  • asparagus;
  • broccoli;
  • spinach;
  • basil, rosemary;
  • beans;
  • walnuts;

Folic acid is consumed too quickly during pregnancy, so do not forget to replenish its stocks daily, especially since the gifts of nature with its content are on the shelves of all grocery stores.

When carrying a child, the female body requires a lot of vitamins and minerals. If the fetus lacks some substances, it will take the necessary supply from the mother - at best. At worst, the baby will suffer from this, will be born weakened.

About folic acid

One of the most important elements for expectant mothers is folic acid. Also known as vitamin B9. It is necessary for the normal formation of the immune and circulatory systems of the body. And if this substance is not enough in the diet of a woman, then it must be taken as directed by a doctor.

Specialists also often prescribe folic acid for multiple pregnancies, since in such a situation the needs increase significantly. The study of biochemistry led scientists to the conclusion that this substance is critical in the formation of new cells, especially in the early stages of bearing a child. Folic acid is often prescribed during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester. And often it becomes a mandatory supplement for all 9 months.

Why should you take it during pregnancy?

A sufficient amount of folic acid in the mother's body in the early stages of pregnancy protects the fetus from neural tube defects. In addition, this substance is necessary for the normal development of the fetus.

At the same time, our body is not able to synthesize B9 on its own. A small amount is produced in the intestines as a result of the vital activity of microflora. However, this volume is not enough even to cover the daily needs of an adult, not to mention a pregnant woman.

In addition, the microflora is quite vulnerable. Hormonal changes characteristic of women in position, taking medications can lead to the death of some of the microorganisms that are beneficial to humans. As a result, the amount of the received element decreases.

Like so many other things necessary for man, acid is found in food and enters our body with food. However, a significant amount is destroyed during the cooking process. That is why most doctors still prescribe this supplement to their patients.

Folic acid when planning pregnancy

In general, gynecologists advise thinking about the importance of this vitamin even before conception. With a lack of B9, anemia can begin in a woman, since the bone marrow begins to suffer first. In a word, it is not surprising that folic acid is often prescribed when planning a pregnancy based on the results of the survey.

And, importantly, it needs to be drunk not only by the expectant mother, but also by the father. Why? It's simple: it directly affects the quality of sperm. The likelihood of conceiving a healthy baby increases. Let's just say that this acid is extremely important for DNA and RNA.

But then the question arises: how much to drink? For women, the dosage of folic acid when planning pregnancy is 800 mcg. True, keep in mind that some amount is still synthesized in the body, and some you get with food. And despite the assurances of some experts that there will be nothing from an overabundance, it is not worth experimenting. The doctor will be able to determine the exact rate after appropriate research.

And what is the dosage for men of folic acid when planning a pregnancy? For them, 400 mcg will be enough. Again, these are averages and may fluctuate. Therefore, the future dad also needs to pass all the tests.

Drink before meals or after?

Taking supplements often raises many questions. For example, how to take folic acid during pregnancy: drink before meals or after, with what interval? Usually advised to use in the morning, after a hearty breakfast, somewhere in 15-20 minutes. It is worth drinking enough clean water.

This recommendation is due to the fact that folic acid on an empty stomach can increase acidity. This, in turn, can cause digestive problems. And in pregnant women suffering from toxicosis, even vomiting.

Why are they appointed anyway?

Often, doctors are surprised: after all, substances are important. And why is folic acid prescribed during pregnancy, why is it needed? As already mentioned, in order to avoid pathologies associated with the formation of the fetus. And, as a rule, another 400 mcg is prescribed prophylactically in addition to the usual diet. This is the usual daily intake of folic acid during pregnancy, traditionally prescribed in the Russian Federation.

If you look at the WHO recommendations, then with the amount of the recommended supplement, everything is somewhat more modest: 200 mcg. True, these are average indicators that do not take into account the traditional diet of most Russian citizens. The fact is that folic acid is most found in the liver of birds, in legumes, in various greens, in spices, and preferably fresh.

But at the same time, where B9 is located and in which foods folic acid is recommended during pregnancy are somewhat different things. A pregnant woman may be allergic to something, and even if before the body perceived everything quite calmly. Certain herbs can cause heartburn or nausea, don't forget about toxemia! As a result, the number of potential sources of folic acid is reduced.

Too much vitamin B9

However, abuse has never been beneficial. Any substance we need, even if it is vital, in in large numbers capable of killing. This even applies to water. Therefore, if all indicators are normal, do not abuse supplements. Many modern gynecologists also talk about the need to learn to listen to your body.

But what if folic acid is elevated during pregnancy? Why is excess dangerous? In this case, the increased risk of developing various respiratory diseases in children will persist until adulthood, that is, up to 18 years. And up to 3 years, they, in particular, will be threatened by asthma.

However, this rarely happens. Even if a pregnant woman takes too much of this element, as a rule, it is simply excreted in the urine, since it is a water-soluble vitamin. And yet, when compared, the dangers associated with a shortage look worse: the absence of a brain, the risk of premature birth, missed abortion, cleft lip, pathologies of the formation of the spine, and much more.

What else do you need to know about this drug?

Folic acid prescribed by a doctor is a drug like any other. Therefore, you can learn about it from official manufacturers. At the same time, since we are not talking about a specific medicine, no one bothers the woman herself or with the pharmacist to choose together from which manufacturer to buy the product.

True, now vitamin B9 is very often found on the pharmacy market not in its pure form, but as part of various dietary supplements, along with other vitamins and microelements. It is better to avoid this, because if the expectant mother is already taking some kind of complex, then she may experience hypervitaminosis. Therefore, it is worth asking for the substance in its pure form.

Instructions for use during pregnancy must be attached to folic acid. Rather, the liner is the most common, but there are footnotes regarding the specifics of taking women in position. As a rule, from there you can find out that the remedy is usually available in the form of tablets of just 400 mcg. That is, a woman just needs to drink 1 tablet a day.

Side effects and contraindications

And when exactly should this substance not be taken? It is forbidden for pernicious anemia, cobalamin deficiency, cancer, as well as individual intolerance. As for side effects folic acid during pregnancy, it may be an allergic reaction, and with prolonged use - hypovitaminosis of vitamin B12.

At different times

The lack of B9 is especially critical in the very early stages of the formation of a child, in the first literally 2 weeks. Since a woman often may not know that conception has already happened, doctors and advise to start drinking this supplement in advance. But the answer to the question of how long to take folic acid during pregnancy, there is no definite answer.

As a general rule, doctors insist that the expectant mother drink the vitamin for the first 3 months. This is the most important period within the framework of the topic under discussion. If the pregnancy is planned, then you need to start using folic acid even before conception, and, as mentioned, both parents. Then the woman - to continue at least 12 weeks.

It is not uncommon for pregnant women to be advised not to stop taking it throughout pregnancy, and often when breastfeeding, since the need for this element is also increased there. However, you need to make a specific decision here, after consulting with your doctor.

If we present everything in the form of a table, then the situation will look like this:

Many women, who are very worried about the health of the child, refuse to take it, worrying that they will overdose. Indeed, as mentioned above, excess also does not lead to good. But to get such a result, you need to take 10 tablets every day.

Vitamin E and folic acid during pregnancy

Often folic acid is prescribed in combination with other vitamins. For example, with vitamin E. This is a well-known natural antioxidant that is involved in a huge number of important processes for the body. Therefore, there is nothing strange in this combination. The main thing is to observe the dosage.

Daily intake of folic acid during pregnancy

The standards have already been announced above. In the EU, this is 200 mcg, in the Russian Federation - 400. This difference is due to the general state of health and the specifics of the diet. You can specify the dose by passing the appropriate tests. Most doctors do not do this, because they do not see anything wrong if the pregnant woman receives a little more than the right amount. But no one prevents the patient from insisting on her own.

Periodically, gynecologists prescribe a woman 5 mg. This dose is already therapeutic. It is prescribed when there is reason to fear the pathology caused by the lack of B9. In such situations, anamnesis is taken into account (the birth of sick children in the past, the presence of abnormalities in relatives), certain diseases in the mother herself.

Pros and cons

Cautious women often weigh the pros and cons of different drugs, folic acid during pregnancy is no exception. In fact, a detailed analysis of the situation deserves only respect, another thing is that you should not panic too much and be afraid of an overdose. If you still have questions, you can always contact your doctor or another specialist with them. But in general, here the pros clearly outweigh the cons. Of course, if there are no direct contraindications.

Duphaston and folic acid when planning pregnancy

If a woman has problems with ovulation, she may be prescribed Duphaston and folic acid in combination when planning a pregnancy. Together they work very well, help increase the likelihood of conception. But you shouldn't take them on your own.

Iodomarin and folic acid when planning pregnancy

When planning a pregnancy, folic acid is often prescribed along with Iodomarin. This is especially true for those who live far from coastal regions, who feel the lack of the corresponding element. Moreover, both potential parents often need such supplements. But the most great importance they have for a woman.

Folic acid and smoking during pregnancy

Smoking and pregnancy don't go well together. Nicotine destroys a number of vitamins, impairs the process of assimilation. Therefore, folic acid in this case requires more than usual. Or, at the very least, don't skip your regular supplementation.

Folic acid is a very important vitamin for pregnant women. With its regular intake, the likelihood of having a completely healthy baby increases. That is why you should not ignore this supplement. But doing amateur activities in this case is harmful to the body. Therefore, medical supervision is required.