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How can you feed cucumbers in the garden. All about feeding cucumbers after planting in the ground, how to fertilize plants. Fertilizer cucumbers folk remedies

Country cheat sheet No. 3 "On the reasons for the poor growth of cucumber ovaries"

In June-July, on the beds and in greenhouses, the rudiments of the future crop are already visible - the ovaries of cucumbers. It would seem that now they will grow up, and it will be possible to prepare the first vitamin salad. But it wasn’t there ... It happens that there are a lot of ovaries on cucumber lashes, but cucumbers do not grow. If this is your case, you began to collect information on the topic in time. Until the ovaries begin to turn yellow and fall off, there is still an opportunity to correct the situation.

So, there were enough female flowers on cucumber lashes, they were successfully pollinated, and formed many tiny ovaries, which for some reason do not want to grow further:

There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Cold weather, low temperature air and soil (especially at night).
  2. Sharp fluctuations in daily temperature and air humidity.
  3. Irrigation with cold water.
  4. Condensed landings.
  5. Loading with ovaries, unformed plants.
  6. Rare harvest.
  7. Lack of nutrition, poor watering and top dressing.

Let's analyze each reason in more detail.

Cucumbers do not grow well in the cold!

The main reason why the ovaries stop growing is cold, damp weather. Cucumbers grow very poorly in conditions that are not comfortable for them. Low temperatures are especially dangerous at night. At temperatures below +12 - +15 degrees, the growth of the ovaries stops abruptly. In cold weather, plants (especially in parthenocarpic hybrids of cucumbers) have a reduced ability to absorb nutrients. At the same time, the ovaries not only stop their growth, but also begin to massively fall off.

In cool weather (+12 - +15 degrees), the process of flowering and fruiting is delayed. Adversely affects the growth of cucumbers and prolonged heat without sufficient soil moisture (above + 35 degrees).

Here I would like to quote an article from our favorite magazine "Plant Farming":

What can be done?

For a period of cool weather, you need to try to smooth out the fluctuations in daily temperatures, keep the heat of the day, and warm the plants at night. Resourceful gardeners have already invented ways to do this, and are actively sharing them on the Internet. And we, in turn, outline them in our Country Cheat Sheet:

  1. Close the greenhouse early in the evening and open later in the morning to keep warm.
  2. V open field- cover cucumbers with spunbond.
  3. Pour water into plastic containers and arrange along the edges of the ridges. During the day, the water is heated by the sun, and at night it gives off heat.
  4. Mulching the soil with black film also warms the soil: if the roots are warm and comfortable, then the plant bears fruit well.
  5. Some gardeners in the cold manage to put heaters and fans in greenhouses.
  6. In cold weather, foliar top dressing will be relevant, since nutrients from the soil are poorly absorbed at low temperatures. However, nutrition is simply necessary for the growth of young cucumbers. In this situation, foliar top dressing will become a lifesaver (about top dressing - further in the text).
  7. If cucumber ovaries do not grow well in cool and rainy weather, you can support them with phosphorus top dressing: pour 4 tablespoons of double superphosphate with 3 liters of boiling water, stir and bring warm water to a volume of 10 liters. Solution consumption: 5 liters per 1 square meter of plantings.

Little trick!

In the greenhouse, you can put a container filled with fresh bird droppings. The smell will still be the same, but this will help accelerate the formation of ovaries and their growth. The litter releases carbon dioxide, which will help the plants cope with the task.

Pour hot water over cucumbers

Cucumbers need high soil and air humidity. This is almost the most moisture-loving vegetable crop on our plots! Cucumber roots are poorly developed, and the leaves are wide and evaporate a lot of moisture. Most of all, the need for moisture in a cucumber is during the mass growth of fruits. At this time, cucumbers should be watered once every 3-4 days, ideally every other day. A sufficient amount of moisture stimulates the growth of ovaries.

The water must be warm! Watering with cold water causes various diseases, stunting and even death of plants. From improper watering, cucumbers can also grow bitter and crooked.

Before flowering, cucumbers need to be watered by sprinkling, then water is poured under the bush. The best time watering - in the evening, up to 6 hours.

Freedom for cucumbers!

Thickened plantings, unformed bushes of cucumbers, a huge number of extra shoots, high load with ovaries - all this really strains (as modern youth puts it) plants! Closely planted cucumbers are deprived of light and normal air circulation; photosynthesis is impossible without sunlight. And extra shoots and ovaries take away the strength of plants, as a result, the fruits cannot fully ripen.

What to do?

  1. When planting, keep the distance between plants at least 20 cm, and between rows - 60 cm or more.
  2. You can achieve the optimal degree of illumination with a vertical method of growing: tie cucumber lashes to a net, twine or wire.
  3. Cucumbers need pinching in order to relieve themselves of an extra load - numerous ovaries. Do not be greedy and leave as many ovaries as possible, this is fraught with consequences - the plants do not have enough strength to grow them all. The easiest option: pluck out all the side lashes that grow from the axils of the first 3-4 leaves. Stepchildren growing higher should be pinched over the second leaf. Attention! Pinching is a delicate matter! The nuances depend on the type of plant: it is determinant or indeterminate. Pinching for each type has its own subtleties.
  4. Trim excess shoots or pinch them.

We collect on time

A rare collection of fruits also retards the growth of young ovaries, the yield drops. Ripe cucumbers should be removed in a timely manner, and then the plants will be able to give the young ovaries enough nutrition for growth.

At the beginning of fruiting, picking cucumbers is carried out 1 time in 2-3 days, then - every other day or every day.

Cucumbers started, but do not grow: What do they lack?

They don't get enough food! But nitrogen is superfluous. The abundance of nitrogen in top dressing reduces the yield. At the fruiting stage, it is better to exclude this element and feed cucumbers with fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus and potassium (superphosphate, potassium sulfate, ash).

During fruiting, cucumbers need potassium the most. Deficiency in the "menu" of plants of this microelement leads to the fact that the fruits are tied weakly and acquire a pear-shaped shape.

Cucumbers need to be fertilized on average every 12 days.

How to feed cucumbers for ovary growth?

There are a lot of feeding options. You can use mineral fertilizers, fertilizer complexes, folk remedies, water cucumbers with nutrient solutions under the root or spray. Let's save several options in the Cheat Sheet so that we have plenty to choose from as needed.

Foliar top dressing (per sheet):

Cucumbers should be sprayed early in the morning or in the evening, in dry and calm weather, avoiding sunlight on the plants while there are still drops of nutrient solution on them.

Root top dressings:

We alternate mineral supplements and organics

(1 time in 2 weeks)

  • A solution of mullein (1:10) or chicken manure (1:20). Solution consumption: 500 ml per 1 plant.
  • Nitrophoska 1 matchbox diluted in 10 liters of water. Solution consumption: 500 - 700 ml per 1 plant.

Root top dressing is carried out on moist soil, after rain or watering.

Growth stimulants for the ovary of cucumbers

Among modern drugs, there are those that are designed to stimulate the growth of ovaries and fruits:

Oh, and it turned out to be a big cheat sheet! And all because there are many reasons for the growth retardation of cucumber ovaries. And it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer, for what reason the ovaries do not grow. It all depends on individual factors. In any case, knowing the reasons will help find a solution! And we hope our Country Cheat Sheet helped you with this. We will be glad if you share information on the topic in the comments!

How to water cucumbers for a good harvest: folk remedies

Cucumbers are a difficult crop to grow. Plants are sensitive to care and need regular feeding, require nutritious soil, but do not tolerate excess minerals. It is important to fertilize cucumbers correctly and in a timely manner so that the plants are strong and healthy, and the harvest is plentiful.

What do cucumbers like?

Before moving on to top dressing, you need to find out what conditions cucumbers need for successful life and fruiting.

  • Humus-rich soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction;
  • Wet warm, not lower than 15 degrees, the soil;
  • Fertilizer infusion of fresh manure;
  • Warm air with a temperature of 20-30 degrees;
  • High humidity.

Cucumbers react negatively to:

  • Poor, acidic, dense soil;
  • Watering with water with a temperature of less than 20 degrees;
  • A sharp change in temperature;
  • transplants;
  • Temperature less than 16 or more than 32 degrees;
  • Soil loosening;
  • drafts.

Like all pumpkin crops, cucumber has a weak root system and its poor regeneration. When transplanting, loosening and removing weeds, sucking hairs break off, and they are no longer restored. It will take a long time until a new root grows, on which sucking hairs appear. The soil should be mulched to avoid loosening, and the weeds that have appeared are not pulled out, but cut off at ground level.

Feeding cucumbers with wood ash for a good harvest

Very often, gardeners use wood ash for feeding. Ash is a universal potash fertilizer for all crops. During fruiting, cucumbers need a lot of potassium so that the plant has enough strength to form new ovaries and form fruits. For the first time, fertilizer is carried out with ash before flowering and the appearance of ovaries. Then feed regularly with a frequency of 10-14 days. In addition to potassium, wood ash contains a sufficient amount of phosphorus, which is necessary for the development of a strong root system. For fertilizer, only ash obtained by burning plant residues is used: branches, tops, leaves, logs. You can not use the burnt remains of painted boards, and even more so plastic bottles, bags, rubber. Such ash contains many harmful substances that poison the soil.

Preparing fertilizer is easy. In a bucket of warm water, dilute 1 tbsp. sifted ash. It is enough to infuse the mixture for a couple of hours. Then, 1 liter of solution is poured under each plant. Since the ash sinks to the bottom in the form of sediment, the solution must be stirred all the time.

Feeding cucumbers with bread sourdough for a good harvest

Liquid bread feed, made independently from the remains of the product, is an excellent alternative to expensive preparations, which include yeast. Yeast components are present in almost all growth promoters, which is why these mixtures and solutions are so effective. It is yeast fungi that affect the active growth of the root system and green mass by plants. Bread sourdough is a source of nutrients and the most important trace elements for plant development.

For the preparation of bread sourdough, you can use rye bread of any freshness. Of course, buying fresh bread specifically for fertilizer is not very economical, so it's easier to use bread leftovers: crackers, crusts. For example, crackers can be harvested throughout the winter, and with the onset of the summer season, they can be used to prepare fertilizer.

There are no strictly defined proportions in the preparation of top dressing, so each gardener makes it in his own way. Someone soaks 1 loaf of bread in a bucket of water, while others fill the bucket with more than half of the bread. This is not so important, because the finished product is still diluted with water, and if yours is not very concentrated, then just add less water.

  • Prepare a standard bucket (8-10 liters), oppression (you can use a lid or a plate that fits the bucket), warm water, and, in fact, stale rye bread.
  • Fill the bucket with bread up to half or 2/3, and press it with a oppression - the oppression will not allow the bread to float and prevent it from becoming moldy.
  • Pour warm water into a bucket so that the liquid completely covers the bread.
  • Put the bucket in a warm place (shed, greenhouse) - in summer you can leave it outside, you just need to cover it.

The sourdough fermentation time is 3-7 days, depending on the weather - in the hot summer time, the fermentation process is faster. The readiness of the fertilizer can be judged by the foam on the surface of the liquid - at the end of the fermentation process, foam no longer forms.

When the sourdough is ready, the bread waste is squeezed out, filtered, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3 - if there were few bread crusts, and the infusion turned out to be rather weak, then it can be diluted in half with water. That's all - the most useful natural dressing for cucumbers is ready.

Feeding cucumbers with yeast for a good harvest

How to water cucumbers so that they grow faster? If the fruiting processes are accelerated when using bread, imagine what effect the use of natural yeast will have. Due to the huge amount of trace elements, they are catalysts for plant growth. It is not recommended to use them more than twice per season - it is better in the first and last top dressing. To prepare a solution, a 100-gram pack of yeast is poured with ten liters of water. Watered after 3 hours.

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How to fertilize cucumbers for a good harvest

In addition to traditional agricultural fertilizers (manure, wood ash, chicken manure), there are also special preparations for a good harvest of cucumbers and tomatoes. These are superphosphate, urea, ammonium and potassium nitrate and others.

And now let's figure out how exactly cucumbers should be watered to get a good harvest in each of the four dressings per season: From organic matter, it is better to use fresh chicken manure diluted in a concentration of 1:15 with water, slurry (1:8) or an infusion of green grass (1:5). Mineral fertilizers for the first top dressing are ammophos, which is embedded in the ground by loosening, a mixture of ammonium nitrate with superphosphate and potassium salt, or urea.

When flowers appear on the plant, we add an infusion of green grass, dry or diluted ash. For foliar dressings, we use superphosphate and boric acid with sugar dissolved in hot water.

Mature plants no longer need such an abundance of nutrients, it is only necessary to maintain their content at the proper level. To do this, we continue to make green and mineral fertilizers - potassium nitrate, urea, and ash diluted in water.

Toward the end of fruiting, to prolong it, feed the cucumbers with a two-day infusion of rotten hay or diluted baking soda. Foliar top dressing at this time should consist of 15 g of urea dissolved in 10 liters of water.

The rule for increasing the yield of cucumbers

How to speed up the growth of cucumbers? You can increase the yield of cucumbers with the help of very simple rules and effective rules. Collect cucumber fruits more often.

  • The first is frequent fruit picking. You should also water the plants every 14 days with a mixture of milk and water, which has a positive effect on the growth of cucumbers and the quality of the crop.

  • Pollinate artificially. Some gardeners carry out artificial pollination of flowers with a brush, transferring pollen from male to female. The content of carbon dioxide in the air affects the growth of vegetables, so pieces of dry ice, cow dung or smoke by burning wood can be laid out in the greenhouse.
  • Take care of your roots. It is known that the stronger the root system of a plant, the more resistant it is to conditions. environment therefore, from the moment the seeds are planted, it is worth taking care of future sprouts.

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Also keep in mind that the cucumber harvest will be good only when the crop rotation rules are followed on the site. This means that plants such as cabbage, beans, potatoes, celery or tomatoes must be the precursors of cucumbers. And of course, you should not plant cucumbers in one place for several years in a row - this will reduce their yield and harm the vegetables that will grow here in subsequent years. If you have relatively little space allocated for a garden, then sideration can be a way out - planting so-called green fertilizers that will heal the soil, loosen it and saturate it with nutrients.

Why the cucumber ovary does not grow

Much to the chagrin of gardeners and gardeners, situations sometimes occur when there are a lot of tiny cucumbers on long cucumber lashes, but for some reason they do not want to increase in size. While the set fruitlets have not yet begun to turn yellow, the situation can be corrected.

Uncomfortable temperature

The reasons why small cucumbers do not grow further are usually due to care errors and adverse weather conditions. Cucumbers are heat-loving crops; in cold and damp weather that is uncomfortable for them, they grow very poorly. This vegetable especially does not like the sharp difference in night and day temperatures..

Sometimes small cucumbers do not grow in size

If the thermometer drops below + 12 ... + 15 ° C, then the ovary abruptly stops growing. The most favorable temperature for cucumbers is:

  • during the day from +22 to +26 °C,
  • at night it should not fall below +17 °C.

For the normal development of the ovary, a temperature of about +22 to +26 ° C is needed.

Excessive heat (above +35 ° C) also negatively affects the growth of cucumbers, especially with insufficient watering.

To solve the problem of ovary growth in cold weather will help:

    saving heat: in a greenhouse - open the greenhouse later in the morning and close it earlier in the evening;

To save heat, the doors to the greenhouse are opened later in the morning and closed earlier in the evening.

Cucumbers growing in open ground are covered with covering agromaterial at night

Water tanks heat up during the day and give off heat at night

To keep the roots of cucumbers warm, the ground under the bushes is mulched with grass, straw, sawdust, etc.

All kinds of fan heaters, stoves, heaters, etc. are used to heat the greenhouse.

On sale you can find special drugs that help the ovaries grow better

During my childhood, it was customary to make cucumber beds on fresh manure. He began to overheat when it was still quite cold outside, the heat released at the same time heated the cucumbers from below. With the onset of warm weather, the active phase of this process was already coming to an end and the plants did not overheat.

Wrong watering regimen

The wrong watering regimen and especially the lack of moisture have an extremely negative effect on cucumbers. The ovary develops well with high humidity and regular abundant watering at least 3 times a week in open ground and 4–5 times when grown in a greenhouse (it is always hotter there). On hot dry days, it is recommended to water the plantings daily. It is better to do this early in the morning or in the evening, when it is not so hot. For irrigation, only warm water is used, it should be approximately the same temperature as the soil (about +23 ... +25 ° C).

Water cucumbers only with warm water.

Cold water provokes the appearance of more male flowers, which do not bear fruit.

dense plantings

An excess of plants does not have enough nutritional area and they cannot grow a large number of fruits. The following steps will help you avoid this situation:

    Observe the recommended planting density (indicated on the seed package). On average, at least 20 cm are left between the bushes, row spacing is at least 50–60 cm.

Cucumbers should be planted at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other

Cucumbers need to be tied to a vertical trellis (net, wire, rope, etc.)

The lack of formation of bushes

A large green mass consumes a huge amount of nutrients, which as a result are not enough for the development of the ovary. In addition, thickets, like tropical jungles, let in little light.

Unformed cucumber bushes let in little light.

Formation consists of the following steps:

  1. All stepchildren are completely removed from the sinuses of the first (lowest) 4-5 sheets.
  2. The shoots going higher are shortened after the second leaf.

Cucumber lashes must be formed

At the dawn of my gardening activity, I did not know that it was necessary to stepson cucumbers, they grew freely in the greenhouse and pleased with dense greenery, but by no means an abundance of fruits. I was enlightened on this issue by a compassionate neighbor, whose pickling work was already in full swing.

Video: shaping cucumber lashes

Rare collection of fruits

Ripe cucumbers hanging on lashes hold back the growth of a young ovary. There is not enough food for everyone and the yield is reduced. It is impossible to overexpose the fruits on plants, they must be collected in a timely manner. This should be done daily, at least every other day.

Cucumbers that have reached technical ripeness must be harvested on time

Nutrient deficiency

The lack of necessary nutrients also inhibits the growth of the ovary. During the fruiting period, cucumbers need potassium and phosphorus.

During the fruiting period, cucumbers need top dressing with potassium and phosphorus.

Top dressing is carried out 1 time in 10–15 days at the rate of approximately 1 liter per bush:

  • ash infusion (per 10 liters of water 15 g);
  • potassium sulfate (25–30 g per 10 l);
  • superphosphate (34–40 g per 10 l).

It is useful to pour cucumbers with ash infusion

Poor pollination

Sometimes the ovary does not develop due to poor pollination

Experienced gardeners say that on a plant grown from last year's fresh seeds, male flowers (barren flowers) form first, and only later female flowers with ovaries. Therefore, it is better to take seed at the age of 2-3 years.

Video: why the cucumber ovary does not grow

Knowing the simple rules of agricultural technology will help to avoid problems with the growth of fruits. If this happens, then you should immediately take action.

Why there are no ovaries on cucumbers, although they bloom, but turn yellow and fall off: what to do, how to return fruiting

Cucumber is one of the most beloved vegetable crops, the absolute value of which is the unique natural balance of water, fiber, vitamins and minerals, as well as its low calorie content. In fairness, it should be noted that the cultivation of cucumbers on the shoulder of any summer resident. However, it often happens that cucumber ovaries turn yellow and do not develop into full-fledged cucumber fruits. All this is one way or another the result of a violation of the technology of seed selection, cultivation, as well as improper care of cucumbers. What needs to be done in order not to be left without a harvest? What could be the reasons for the drying of the ovaries of cucumbers? Let's talk about this further.

Why do the ovaries bloom, but turn yellow and fall off or fruits do not set at all: reasons

Cucumbers can normally be tied, but for some reason they still do not turn into fruits (greens). Next, we will analyze in detail possible reasons why the ovaries turn yellow and fall, and the cucumber fruits themselves do not tie.

Poor quality seeds

As the saying goes, "Do not expect a good tribe from a bad seed." Firstly, self-collected seeds, possibly obtained as a result of cross-pollination with hybrids, may turn out to be unproductive. Therefore, it is better to buy seed material specially prepared for sowing from proven agricultural companies. Secondly, even if you are 100% confident in your seeds of well-known varieties, it is still preferable to select seeds 2-3 years old. Only in this case, female flowers will appear before male flowers or at the same time, and there will be no problems with pollination.

Weak roots

The root system may be underdeveloped, because of this, the plant is not able to provide itself with sufficient moisture and, accordingly, nutrition. In other words, if you grow cucumbers through seedlings, then you should not plant them too early or injure the plants in any way during transplanting and picking. On the other hand, if you overexpose the seedlings, then it will not do anything good.

cold soil

If the soil is not warm enough, then even despite its fertility and fertilization, as well as the fact that you planted healthy and strong seedlings, the root system of the plant simply will not be able to receive the necessary nutrients from such cold soil, especially since it will not be able to take feed from it. In this case, in order to restore the plant and correct the situation, foliar top dressing should be carried out on the leaf, that is, spraying should be carried out.

Note! How to properly feed cucumbers throughout their growing season - read here.

lack of sun

Due to the lack of good illumination, so to speak, solar energy, the inhibition of photosynthesis processes in the leaf system of the plant will certainly begin. Therefore, do not rush to plant seedlings early (especially in a greenhouse), when the daylight hours are not so long.

Lack of nutrition or insufficient soil fertility

Even if the root system of the plant is sufficiently developed, and the seedlings of cucumbers are planted at the optimal time, when it has already become quite warm and light, but the soil will not have the necessary nutrients, then the ovaries of cucumbers will not form. During flowering, special nitrogen-potassium supplements should be carried out for future better fruiting (more potassium is required during the fruiting period!). But in general, initially you need to properly prepare the bed for planting cucumbers, flavoring it well with organic matter.

By the way! wood ash(this is potassium, which is responsible for the ovary and fruit formation) cucumbers can be fed almost the entire season.

Also, the problem of the lack of ovaries of cucumbers or their yellowing can be a lack of trace elements such as boron, zinc, molybdenum and even iodine.

Too high or too low air temperature

The bottom line is that when low temperature pollen does not ripen, and with increased - pollen becomes sterile. The optimum temperature for tying cucumbers and their normal development is + 14-30 degrees.

If the temperature in a greenhouse You can still somehow adjust, for example, ventilate by opening the door overnight, then open field you just have to do special canopy. Therefore, at the outset, it is necessary to determine the best place(light penumbra) for direct sowing or planting seedlings of cucumbers.

Wrong watering

If during the formation of ovaries on cucumbers you will insufficient moisture and watering, and the beds will remain dry for a long time, then the plant will begin to redirect all the moisture to the leaf system. And if the heat also covers, then strong evaporation from the leaf apparatus will begin, which means that nothing will go into fruit, the cucumber ovaries will simply begin to crumble.

How to spray cucumbers for ovary growth

Cucumber is one of the most popular vegetables among amateur gardeners. Therefore, everyone, probably, found himself in a situation where, despite all efforts, cucumbers do not grow, there are few ovaries, or they turn yellow and crumble. And the problem can be solved with just one or two treatments with fruit formation stimulants.

Fertility stimulants

Modern preparations for the ovary of cucumbers contain various hormones, micro- and macroelements that promote the formation and growth of fruits. The most popular stimulants from this category:

In addition, such stimulants may contain microelements necessary for flowering and fruit set: boron, iodine, etc. Each drug is accompanied by its own individual instructions, they may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Folk remedies for the ovary of cucumbers

Having understood the principle of action of fetal stimulants, you can pick up folk remedies that will act in much the same way:

Spray cucumbers when the first buds appear and a second time when flowering becomes massive. Such processing is especially important under adverse weather conditions. As a result, you will achieve that more cucumbers will grow, they will be smoother and more beautiful.

Cucumbers may not tie: with a strong thickening, if they were planted in the shade or formed incorrectly. So, in bee-pollinated varieties, the fruits grow on lateral shoots. If you do not pinch the main lash at the very beginning of growth for branching, then the bush will give an empty flower, not cucumbers.

To increase the yield of cucumbers, special preparations are produced. Among them are natural and synthetic. Such stimulants act in much the same way: they provide an influx of nutrients to flowers and ovaries, increase the immunity of the entire bush and resistance to bad weather. You can also use folk remedies. The most popular of them: boric acid, ash infusion and honey water to attract bees.

Branch chopper: do-it-yourself useful tool

The quantity and quality of the harvest depends on various factors. But they can be significantly increased if special top dressings are used during flowering and ripening.

It is known that only those plants that are constantly looked after and provided with a sufficient amount of top dressing give a good harvest. When growing plants, the question often arises of how to feed cucumbers during the fruiting period to increase the yield. About this and others useful tips to increase the yield of cucumbers can be found below.

cucumber clusters

  • During the beginning of flowering and fruiting, cucumbers require extra food based on potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Such fertilizers can be made independently in the presence of ready-made components, or you can buy ready-made options. The second option is considered more preferable, since such fertilizers are based on the optimal concentration of mineral fertilizers. Such dressings are used 2 times during flowering.
  • Do not forget about foliar top dressing. The use of boric acid as a foliar application can significantly improve yield results. Spraying with boric acid before flowering increases the number of flowers, and after flowering, it can accelerate the ripening of cucumbers. To prepare a spray solution for 10 liters of water, a quarter teaspoon of boric acid is taken.

    Cucumber beds

  • At the beginning of the ripening of cucumbers, it is considered effective to use urea as a fertilizer. Extreme care must be taken when using this fertilizer. Before feeding cucumbers during the fruiting period to increase the yield with urea, a solution of the required concentration should be prepared. For 10 liters of water you need only 50 gr. urea. Plants are fertilized with a ready-made solution in the evening or before precipitation. If precipitation is not planned, then abundant watering is necessary after fertilization. Care should be taken when using urea, as even a small amount can cause a burn on leaves and stems.
  • Along with mineral fertilizers, organic top dressings are often used. A special place among them is occupied by feeding with mullein. Before using such a fertilizer, it must be prepared. To do this, cow manure is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. After that, the solution should ferment for 2 weeks and only after that it will be suitable for use. In addition to the necessary set of minerals, it also contains organic substances necessary for the enhanced development of fruits and strengthening the overall immunity of plants.
  • Another type of top dressing that is actively used experienced gardeners- fertilizing with yeast. It gives very good results in the yield of cucumbers. For its preparation, 100 gr. yeast, which should be diluted in a bucket of water. This solution must be infused for a day, after which it will be ready for use in the garden. When using yeast as a means of feeding cucumbers during the fruiting period to increase the yield, avoid falling on the foliage and apply only under the root. If it gets on the leaves, yeast can provoke the development of fungal diseases.

    foliar top dressing

All top dressing of cucumbers is aimed at increasing productivity during flowering and fruit ripening. However, it should be remembered that it is impossible to achieve good yields without preparatory actions and early feeding.


Always use caution and moderation when using fertilizers. An excessive amount of nutrients for plants leads to their accumulation in fruits. This will certainly have a negative impact on human body, as well as the general condition of plants.

Regardless of how to feed the cucumbers during the fruiting period to increase the yield, it is necessary to follow the measure and not apply extra fertilizer to the soil if there is no need for it.


Proper care and maintenance of plants can significantly increase the amount of yield obtained even without the use of fertilizers. Therefore, they should not be neglected.


Timely and sufficient watering is almost the main requirement for growing cucumbers. If the amount of moisture during fruit ripening is insufficient, then the fruits will be much smaller, and their ripening may be delayed.

On average, watering is done every 6 days. This interval may be adjusted according to the weather. If the weather is hot and dry, then cucumbers should be watered more often. In rainy weather, the soil, on the contrary, should be protected from waterlogging by digging drainage outlets.

It is necessary to observe moderation in watering cucumbers. Excessive moisture can lead to dangerous fungal diseases that will definitely not bring anything good either to the plants themselves or to the fruits. When watering, you should focus on the drying of the soil.

The amount of water differs from the age of the bushes. Young plants need a bucket of water per square meter of soil. Adult plants need a bucket of water under each bush. It is forbidden to water directly under the bush. Use special grooves for irrigation. Water should not be below 12 degrees Celsius.


Ensuring good aeration of the soil is no less important than feeding cucumbers during the fruiting period to increase the yield. In order for air to flow well to the roots, the soil must be regularly loosened.

This must be done carefully so as not to damage the stems and roots of the plant in the process. With a damaged root system, cucumbers begin to develop much more slowly. In addition, there is a possibility of fungal infection.

The low fruiting of cucumbers may be due to low pollination. There can be many reasons for this - physical interference, use of chemicals or adverse weather conditions. To increase pollination, you can take on the role of bees and pollinate the flowers yourself.

There is a simpler solution to this problem - the choice of parthenocarpic varieties of cucumbers. They do not require pollination. They are quite good at this task on their own. The modern seed market allows you to choose planting material for any purpose and for every taste.

By choosing how to feed cucumbers during the fruiting period to increase the yield from the methods described above, you can pleasantly increase the rate of ripening and the amount of the crop. However, we should not forget that it is necessary to monitor and care for the plants from the moment the seeds are planted in the ground. Only in this case, you can achieve maximum productivity.

There are no trifles in the garden business: the future of the harvest equally depends on the quality of the seed, and on the amount of irrigation, and on the timing of fertilization. Properly carried out top dressing of cucumbers in the open field helps plants form a full-fledged ovary and fully resist diseases and pests.

Top dressing of cucumbers in the open field - rules

With regard to fertilizers, the cucumber crop shows itself to be a real capricious picky - as soon as you don’t please it, instead of even crispy cucumbers, “mutants” curved in all directions appear in the garden. Therefore, top dressing of seedlings of cucumbers should begin in the phase of two leaves. In the future, cucumbers will have to be pampered with enhanced nutrition at least four more times: 15 days after relocation to open ground, after the appearance of the first peduncles and twice at the time of fruiting.

Each cucumber grower has his own cherished recipe for feeding cucumbers in the open field, from which cucumbers grow by leaps and bounds and become the most delicious and crunchy. A simple rule will help you not to get confused and choose the right option: the type of fertilizer directly depends on how warm the summer turned out to be. The fact is that the roots of cucumbers only in warm weather are able to fully absorb all the nutrients from the soil. In cold summers, it is worth giving preference to foliar top dressing of cucumbers in the open field.

Whatever way to feed the cucumbers (root or foliar) would not be chosen, for its implementation it is better to choose the evening or a cloudy warm day. Fertilizer should be applied to the ground after heavy watering or good rain. When spraying top dressing, it is necessary to ensure that the solution falls on the leaves in small drops in an even layer. How long it stays on the surface depends on how many utilities the cucumber lashes will receive. Another trick - the warmer nutrient solution the faster it will be absorbed.

First dressing of cucumbers

Cucumber seedlings successfully migrated from seedling boxes or pots to open ground, began to grow and even began to grow a little. And here, in all its glory, the gardener faces the question - how to feed the cucumbers after planting? As mentioned above, the first top dressing falls on 14-15 days after moving to open ground, and for its implementation it is better to use organic fertilizers: infusion or chicken manure, diluted in a ratio of 1:10. Use these tools with extreme caution, because they can damage fragile roots.

Top dressing of cucumbers during flowering

A proven way to get even "one-on-one" cucumbers is top dressing during flowering. For its implementation, it is recommended to use green fertilizer prepared from freshly cut grass. The grass collected after mowing must be poured with the same amount of water and let it brew for at least a week. The resulting slurry must be diluted five times with warm water. It will not be superfluous to make up for the lack of minerals by feeding the cucumbers with a mixture of superphosphate, ammonium and potassium nitrate (40 + 30 + 20 g).

Foliar top dressing of cucumbers in the open field attracts insects so important for pollination, contributing to a better formation of the ovary. For its implementation, you can use a mixture of boric acid (2 g) and sugar (100 g), diluting them in 1 liter of warm water. Another way to strengthen cucumbers is to spray them with a solution of superphosphate (35 g per 1 bucket of warm water).

How to feed cucumbers at the beginning of growth?

During the period of active growth, nitrogen is vital for any plants. If cucumber seedlings develop sluggishly, are in no hurry to bloom, the question arises, “How to feed cucumbers for growth?” Green fertilizer in combination with a solution of minerals will help solve the problem. As a foliar top dressing, you can use a solution. It should be remembered that this substance is aggressive and can harm tender cucumber shoots. Therefore, top dressing of cucumbers in the open field with urea should be carried out with a very weak solution - no more than 40 g per 1 bucket of water.

How to feed cucumbers during fruiting?

Actively expending forces on the formation of the ovary and the growth of fruits, cucumber lashes draw all the nutrients from the ground under a clean one. Proper feeding of cucumbers during fruiting not only restores the balance of substances in the soil, but also significantly prolongs the fruiting period. Top dressing of cucumbers in the open field during this period should be comprehensive and include organic matter (infusion of green grass or rotten hay, diluted 5 times), minerals (1 glass of ash, 25 g of potassium nitrate and 50 g of urea per 10 liters of water) and foliar treatment (10-12 g of urea per bucket of water).

Cucumbers do not grow well - what to feed?

The situation when the cucumber shoots wither, wither, and instead of even cucumbers, different-sized freaks appear on it, suggests that the soil is sorely lacking in nutrition. Moreover, the cucumbers themselves will help the gardener to understand how to feed seedlings of cucumbers in the open field:

  • light bulb fruits, narrowed at the base and expanding towards the tail, speak of potassium starvation, which can be eliminated by spraying with ash or a solution of potassium phosphate;
  • thick at the stalk, but quickly fading fruits, light color of fruits and lashes, poorly developing leaves and lashes signal a lack of nitrogen, which organic top dressing will help to fill;
  • dark green leaves with a purple tint, darkening when dying, indicate a deficiency of phosphorus, and yellow or pale spots on the leaves are a manifestation of a lack of magnesium, to eliminate which it is best to use ready-made mineral complexes.

What is the best food for cucumbers?

How many years a person has been friends with cucumber culture, so many disputes do not subside, how to properly feed cucumbers in the open field and in a greenhouse. What is better, foliar feeding of cucumbers or planting nutrition in the ground, ready-made complex fertilizers or more environmentally friendly folk methods - there is no definite answer. But when breeding cucumbers in your own garden, on a far from industrial scale, you should not forget about their safety for humans. After all, all the substances that are used to feed cucumbers in the open field, to a greater or lesser extent, enter the fruits and into our body.

Feeding cucumbers with yeast

The common expression about growth by leaps and bounds is also true for cucumber lashes. Yeast top dressing for cucumbers is an excellent stimulator of growth and fruiting. Yeast fungi activate the process of decomposition of organic matter in the soil, which helps the roots to receive many times more nitrogen and potassium. Cucumbers grown on this fertilizer are better able to resist diseases, the vicissitudes of the weather and pest invasions.

For the preparation of yeast fertilizer, you can use both classic briquetted yeast and their dry version. Classic recipe top dressing is as follows: for 5 liters of water, take 1 kilogram of fresh (briquetted) or 5 grams of dry yeast, add a little sugar and leave in a warm place for 1 day. The resulting slurry is diluted in 50 liters of water and bushes under the root are watered with this solution in open ground.

Top dressing of cucumbers with ashes

The ash remaining after burning wood waste is a great way to kill two birds with one stone: clear the area of ​​unnecessary branches and strengthen the plants. At the same time, it must be remembered that only combustion products of plants can be used as fertilizers, but not building materials and household waste. The composition of wood or stove ash contains calcium, magnesium, lime and magnesium. Top dressing cucumbers in the open field with ash helps protect them from fungal diseases and some pests, improves soil composition.

How to feed cucumbers with ashes? It can be used both dry and prepared as a solution. Dusting with ashes is done in the morning, until the dew has dried up or immediately after the rain. To prepare a solution, 100 grams of raw materials are diluted in 1 bucket of water, kept for a week. Cucumber lashes are sprayed with the resulting talker, making sure that it is evenly distributed throughout the plant. Such top dressing is especially important during the period of flowering and the formation of ovaries.

Feeding cucumbers with iodine

One way to grow healthy cucumbers is to feed them with iodine. This trace element not only has a beneficial effect on the growth and formation of the ovary, but also copes well with the main scourge of cucumber beds - root rot. For spraying, a nutrient solution is prepared by dissolving 30 drops of iodine tincture in 10 liters of water. To enhance the effect, milk and a little soap are added to the solution. Primary processing of cucumbers is carried out immediately after planting seedlings, and then repeated every 15-20 days.

Bread dressing for cucumbers

A very simple and inexpensive way to feed cucumbers in the ground is fertilizer prepared on ordinary rye bread. It can be used as part of a yeast supplement by adding bread crusts to a bucket of fermenting yeast. Or you can simply place a closing barrel on the site, fill it with water and dispose of all the grain waste there. As it is used, clean water will be added to the container. In such a simple way, the plants will receive useful top dressing, and nothing will be lost on the farm.

Feeding cucumbers with boric acid

Boron refers to substances without which neither fruiting nor harmonious development of any plants is simply conceivable. At the same time, the amount of this element in the soil throughout the season should be at the same level. Boron deficiency affects the color of plants and their ability to bear fruit. Feeding cucumbers with folk remedies, such as boron, gives the lashes the strength to grow actively, making the fruits juicier and sweeter.

To prepare a nutrient solution, 10 grams of acid is dissolved in a liter of warm water, and then the volume of water is adjusted to 10 liters. The resulting mixture is sprayed with leaves and ovaries of cucumbers, choosing for this procedure an early morning or a cloudy, non-hot day. Processing is carried out twice per season: the first time after planting in the garden, and the second time during the formation of fruits.

Feeding cucumbers with milk

Another option for feeding cucumbers is milk. This tasty and nutritious product will bring considerable benefits to cucumber beds:

  • potassium and calcium contained in milk will serve as a growth stimulator for the plant;
  • the milky film formed on the surface of the leaves will become an insurmountable barrier to pests and pathogens;
  • nutrients and lactic acid activate the decomposition of organic matter in the soil.

To prepare milk feeding cucumbers in the open field, a liter of milk must be diluted in five liters of water and carefully water each plant under the root. Milk spraying can also be carried out, to enhance the therapeutic and protective effect of which it is recommended to add 30 drops of iodine to the solution. At the same time, cucumbers will receive the necessary dose of potassium and calcium, and protection from fungal diseases.

Top dressing of cucumbers with saltpeter

Cucumbers, fertilizers for which were applied at the wrong time or incorrectly, become unable to form a full-fledged crop. In the conditions of small beds, calcium nitrate is a real panacea for cucumbers. It not only stimulates the rapid growth of green mass, but also strengthens the plant's immunity. Unlike ammonium nitrate, calcium nitrate can be used without fear, as it minimally harms cucumbers. Foliar top dressing of cucumbers in open ground with saltpeter can be carried out every 10 days, preparing a solution at the rate of 10 grams of fertilizer per 5 liters of water.

During budding, flowering and fruiting, cucumbers in the greenhouse and open ground need a lot of nutrients. However, this crop does not absorb fertilizers well, especially if they are incorrectly diluted and have a high concentration. Therefore, in order to grow a good crop of cucumbers, you need to know what is the best way to feed cucumbers in a greenhouse and in open ground.

During flowering and fruiting, plants need a complex of various fertilizers. For good growth, cucumbers are fed with fertilizers, which include nitrogen, and for plants to form buds and ovaries - potassium, phosphorus, and trace elements. This vegetable crop loves organics very much, to which mineral fertilizers can be added.

Top dressing recipes:

  1. Diluted with water 1:10 mullein or 1:25 bird droppings. Per square meter of beds - from 4 to 6 liters of solution.
  2. Nettle infusion prepared from 1 kg of chopped fresh herbs and 10 liters of boiling water. When the infusion ferments, it is filtered and the plantings are watered, using 2 liters for each bush.
  3. If plants lag behind in development, feed them onion infusion husks. The recipe is simple: pour a glass of onion peel with a liter of boiling water and leave for 2-3 days. After that, a tablespoon of infusion is added to a bucket of water (10 l) and the bushes are watered.
  4. Ash extract contains a large number of trace elements. To prepare a nutrient solution, you need to take 7 liters of water and pour 3 liters of ash with it. After a day, add 1 liter of ash extract to 10 liters of water and you can water the cucumbers.
  5. To accelerate the growth and fruiting of cucumbers, you can prepare a solution that includes organic matter and microfertilizer with boron: a solution of a liter of water and fertilizer granules with boron is added to 10 liters of mullein solution.
  6. Twice in July, apply compost to the soil before loosening. The effect of such a fertilizer will be long-lasting.
  7. For good development of bushes and roots, you can use yeast nutrition. Over the summer, you can use it for watering cucumbers 3 times. Fertilizer is prepared from 3 liters of warm water, in which 100 g of live yeast is diluted. To the mixture add 8 tbsp. l sugar and clean for 3 days in a warm place. Before feeding, 1 cup of yeast infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water.
  8. In order not to bother with the preparation of infusions, you can use ready-made fertilizers, which are simply diluted before use in water. Feeding of zinc sulfate (0.1 g), manganese sulfate (0.4 g) and boric acid (0.5 g) will fill the deficiency of many elements in the soil. This amount of fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of water.

Attention! Use all fertilizers only after watering, so as not to burn the roots of cucumbers. You should also be aware that root dressing is not carried out in cold weather, since plants do not absorb nutrients in cold soil.

How and what to feed cucumbers in cold weather

If prolonged cold weather is established with a temperature of about +15 degrees, cucumbers are fertilized with foliar top dressing.

The best recipes for foliar top dressing of cucumbers:

  1. Ashy infusion that has been infused for a day(per 10 l - a glass of ash) is filtered and used to spray foliage as a potash fertilizer.
  2. herbal infusion takes about 10-14 days to prepare. To prepare it, a barrel or bucket is filled with grass (thistle, burdock, dandelions, nettles), which is filled with water. While the solution is infused, it is stirred every day. For foliar feeding of cucumbers, the infusion is diluted with water (1:20).
  3. Solutions of Crystallion, Mortar or Kemira. For spraying leaves, weak solutions are prepared from these mineral fertilizers (for 10 liters of water - 10-15 g of fertilizer).

It is important! In the open field, foliar top dressing is carried out in dry, calm weather in the morning or evening. In the greenhouse, it is better to spray cucumbers in the late afternoon, when the sun's rays do not fall on the building. In cloudy weather, foliar top dressing can be carried out during the day and in the greenhouse and in the open field.

In closed ground, it is necessary to carefully monitor the nutrition of plants:

  • carry out top dressing once a week;
  • alternate organic with mineral fertilizers;
  • provide plants with carbon dioxide, which is necessary for the formation of fruits (tanks with slurry will help, which will ferment and release the necessary gas);
  • carry out foliar top dressing with a solution of mullein infusion (1:10), which will additionally protect cucumbers from powdery mildew.

Watch the leaves of cucumbers, by which you can recognize which elements the plants lack, and apply the necessary fertilizers. You can find out by clicking on the dedicated link.

Features of feeding cucumbers in the open field

During active fruiting in July and August, cucumbers in the open field are fed every 10 days. However, the frequency of fertilizing and the type of fertilizer used depends on the composition of the soil in the cucumber garden.

Growing on fertile black soil cucumbers are fed with a small amount of organic matter, and complex mineral fertilizers are completely excluded. If the soil is poor, it is fertilized with both organic and mineral fertilizers.

Approximate recipes for dressing cucumbers in July and August:

  • at the beginning of fruiting- ash and nitroammophoska;
  • during active fruiting- a solution of infusion of mullein or chicken manure;
  • at the peak of fruition we stimulate the second wave of flowering with yeast infusion.

Between the main dressings, fertilizers are used, which are selected according to the condition of the plants.

Properly selected fertilizers and timely feeding will guarantee a good harvest that can be harvested before the autumn cold.

To get a large crop of cucumbers, gardeners resort to the use of various useful tricks, in particular, the use of dressings. They contribute to the nutrition of the soil and roots, as a result, cucumbers ripen ahead of schedule, have juicy flesh and crispy peel, and their number can double. There are many top dressings: from folk remedies to the latest developments in the field of agricultural cultivation. Each supplement is effective in its own way, but before using it, you need to study its properties and how to use it.

organic fertilizers

Organic fertilizers are widely used by gardeners when growing crops. They have a completely natural origin, but at the same time they have a quick effect on the development of the vegetable. The effect after organic substances will be noticeable almost immediately or after a few days. Top dressing with organic matter is carried out 3-4 times for the entire period of growing cucumbers, while the first top dressing is applied to the soil no earlier than 2 weeks after transplanting seedlings on permanent place. Below are the most popular organic fertilizers:

  • Wood ash. Consists of minerals: potassium, calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other metals. It contributes not only to the growth of the root system and stem, but also makes the soil porous. Because of this property, oxygen becomes easier to penetrate to the roots, air exchange is normalized. To prepare top dressing, take a glass of ash and dilute it in 10 liters of water. Water the cucumbers with the mixture once every 10 days, regardless of the stage of cultivation. Ash does not have an aggressive effect, so it can be used even during fruiting.


Ash can be used to mulch the earth: it prevents the development of fungal diseases.

  • Fermented mullein infusion. Universal fertilizer is used not only for growing cucumbers, but also for flowers and other vegetables. Mullein provides cucumbers with the necessary trace elements, and increases the level of humus in the soil. The best effect of fermented cow manure is observed in the spring. The additive is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 and left to ferment for 3-4 days. During fermentation, bubbles form on the surface of the slurry - nitrogen gas is released and uric acid. The rotted mullein before use is diluted with water another 5 times and cucumbers are watered at the rate of 10 liters of fertilizer per 1 square meter of soil.

  • Horse dung. In terms of properties and application, the fertilizer is similar to mullein. It is recommended to apply top dressing with horse manure in May-June. Dilute the fertilizer with water in a ratio of 1:10 and water the seedlings with a liquid solution. The additive can be used as a foliar top dressing - the trace elements contained in the prepared mixture are well absorbed by cucumbers through the leaves and stem.

  • Chicken litter. Chicken manure is 3 times stronger than mullein and horse manure. The concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen in chicken is significantly higher than in previous top dressings. Kuryak is used in the first phase of growing cucumbers. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20 and insisted for a couple of days, and then used to water the crop. Kuryak is used no more than 2-3 times for the whole season. Due to the powerful composition, sometimes with an excess of fertilizer, the opposite effect is observed - the seedlings turn green and grow, but without the formation of ovaries.

  • Compost. This product is obtained by biochemical decomposition of grass, manure, straw and other ingredients. Compost is used at the very beginning of cultivation - even before planting cucumbers. It must be added to the soil, as compost significantly increases soil fertility. It can be used as mulch after each seedling watering.

  • Herbal infusion. A valuable source of organic matter is any freshly cut grass. It will be especially useful to water the grass infusion in the first weeks of growing cucumbers - the infusion helps to strengthen the immune capacity of vegetables. From the grass, you can take nettles, dandelions, wormwood, midges. A bucket of greens is poured into a 100-liter barrel and completely filled with water. The herbal mixture is infused for 3-4 days, and then diluted fivefold to obtain a less concentrated solution. Irrigate and water the stems and shoots with infusion once every 14 days.

  • Bread infusion. Since bread contains yeast, they have a major effect on plants. From watering with grain infusion, seedlings increase in growth, and the fruiting period shifts several weeks ahead. Crackers are poured into the bucket for 1/3 of the volume, and then the contents are poured with water. Put crackers under the press and keep in this position for 2-3 days. Then dilute the tincture 5 times and water the seedlings. Fertilizer is used at the initial stage of cultivation. You can repeat the treatment before fruiting.


Watering with nutritional supplements is carried out only in the morning.

  • Infusion of rotten hay. Such an additive provides plants with beneficial microorganisms: bacteria, hay bacillus, actinomycetes. Their combination prevents the formation of fungal infections and significantly strengthens the immune system. Hay is poured with boiling water and placed in a warm place for several days. A transparent film of beneficial bacteria forms on the surface of the solution. Watered with infusion 1 time in 10-14 days under the stems.

  • Infusion of onion peel. Onions have an antibacterial effect, and also protect cucumbers from attack by various pests and insects. A glass of husk is taken on a bucket of water, the mixture is heated and brought to a boil. The cooled solution produces watering and irrigation of stems and shoots. A decoction of onion peel can be used at any time when growing cucumbers.

  • Boric acid. Acidic additives should be used only for neutral or slightly alkalized soil. The substance directly affects the formation and quality of fruits, increases their quantity and improves taste. Boric acid improves the absorption of minerals, mainly nitrogen. A teaspoon of the substance is dissolved in 5 liters and the plants are sprayed. Boric acid in diluted form can be used for irrigation.

  • Yeast. Yeast has long been used in agricultural cultivation. With their help, a high healthy crop is obtained, the ovaries are quickly formed, and the cucumbers themselves ripen much earlier than usual. On a bag of dry yeast take 3 liters of water and a tablespoon of sugar. The ingredients are mixed and kept in a warm place for a couple of hours. Then cucumbers are watered with a liquid solution 2 weeks after planting and before the formation of ovaries.


Yeast top dressings are good additional means for growing cucumbers, but do not contain useful minerals and organic substances.

  • Baking soda. Soda has an antibacterial effect and kills diseases that may remain in the soil after winter. Therefore, watering with soda is carried out even before planting cucumbers in order to disinfect the soil. The culture is re-watered with soda 3 weeks after transplantation. Prepare a solution of soda: take a teaspoon of powder in a glass. The solution is applied both to the soil itself and to the shoots. For preventive treatment, one watering is enough, no more.

Complex mineral fertilizers

The composition of mineral fertilizers includes nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, cobalt. All complex additives differ in the content of the main component. There are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium additives.

Phosphate fertilizers

Phosphorus is a fundamental element for the development of the root system, and with its help new shoots and leaves are formed. The lack of phosphorus in cucumbers leads to late formation of ovaries, and the plants themselves look stunted. Superphosphate consists of phosphorus compounds and is most often used in garden plot. There is almost no nitrogen in it, so superphosphate is used in the second stage of plant formation - in June and July. In addition to nutrition, the additive helps cucumbers to endure frosts, increases the shelf life of ripe fruits. Superphosphate is a gray powder. It is sold both in loose form and in granules. Regardless of the form of release, the effect of additives is equally beneficial for cucumber seedlings.

To make a watering solution, you need to take a tablespoon of the powder and dissolve it in 10 liters of water. Water cucumbers under the root 2-3 times for the entire time of cultivation.


Superphosphate is often added during the formation of the planting soil, a few weeks before transplanting cucumbers into the greenhouse.

Another phosphorus-containing additive is phosphate rock. The compound is practically insoluble in water, so it is mainly used for mulching or adding to the ground when planting as a source of phosphorus. Flour dissolves well in acidic and neutral soil, but it should not be used in alkaline soil, since the pH will increase significantly after its application. With a single use of fertilizer, the need for phosphorus is provided for 5-7 years ahead.

nitrogen fertilizers

Nitrogen is considered the main compound that is responsible for the formation of leaves, stems, young shoots. Young plants especially need nitrogen immediately after transplantation - at this time, green mass is actively formed. The lack of this compound leads to the formation of dry leaves and the appearance of yellow spots on them, the stems wither. Nitrogen is found in most mineral supplements, but in varying amounts. The main sources of nitrogen are urea, saltpeter, azofoska and other ammonium derivatives.

  • Urea (urea). Feeding with urea improves color intensity and makes the stem more vigorous. The first top dressing is carried out 2 weeks after transplanting cucumbers. A solution (60 grams per 20 liters of water) is sprayed with cucumber leaves and stems and watered the plants. Urea is sometimes applied in dry form at the rate of 7-8 grams per planting meter of land. With watering, the fertilizer will penetrate the soil and nourish the root system.

  • Potassium nitrate. In addition to nitrogen, the preparation contains potassium - the main element that cucumbers need for ripening. Potassium nitrate is applied at the initial stage of cultivation to lay a high future crop. Dilute the additive 15 grams per bucket of water. Plants can be sprayed with a solution or applied to the ground. The optimal number of dressings with potassium nitrate should not exceed 4 times.

  • Ammonium nitrate. Saltpeter feeding begins with preparing the land for planting. Its powder is scattered in a thin layer throughout the soil, and then the earth is dug up. The substance is used for watering seedlings, but only in a diluted form. In saltpeter, the concentration of nitrogen is high, so when used in dry form, a chemical burn can be applied to the plant. The first feeding is carried out 10 days after transplanting the crop to the beds. The soil is watered with a diluted additive, and then the soil is loosened a little. You need to dilute saltpeter in water, taking a teaspoon of powder for 5 liters of water.

  • Sodium nitrate. Due to the high fire hazard, sodium nitrate was banned from sale and is rarely used for feeding. However, according to the effect on vegetables, the additive manifests itself on the positive side - after its application, the intensity of shoot growth and the formation of ovaries increase. Dilute sodium nitrate in a standard proportion - 1 tablespoon per bucket of water. Both types of top dressing are used: foliar and root.


Sodium nitrate helps maintain a neutral pH in the soil and prevents the soil from becoming acidic.

  • Azofoska. The compound is recognized as one of the most popular nitrogen fertilizers. Its second name is nitroammophoska. The composition includes three components in different or identical ratios: potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. The substance is often added before planting in the dug up earth. Can be used dry to fertilize already planted plants. Spread the substance on wet soil (2 tablespoons per square meter). Azofoska is used in liquid form. To prepare the watering mixture, dissolve a tablespoon in a bucket of water and water the cucumbers. Nitroammophoska can be used for top dressing at any time in the life of the plant.

  • Ammonium sulfate. A universal remedy gives a visible effect, regardless of the time of its use. Nitrogen in the compound is presented in the form of ammonium ions, which are much faster and easier to absorb in the soil. In addition to nitrogen, sulfur is present in the substance. The consumption rate of the additive is 40 grams per square meter of soil. However, overdoing it with top dressing can lead to acidification of the soil. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to use ammonium sulfate in conjunction with calcium, for example, crushed chalk or eggshells.

potash fertilizers

The lack of potassium instantly manifests itself on cucumber leaves. They immediately begin to curl, and their tips darken. With a lack of substance in the pulp, the taste of the vegetable becomes insipid, and the skin becomes soft and does not crunch. On the other hand, an excess of the compound leads to the appearance of a yellow color on the leaves. To use a potassium supplement correctly, you need to know about its varieties and terms of use.

  • Carnallite. The mineral is a mixture of two salts: potassium chloride and magnesium chloride. Before use, the additive is dissolved in water (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of liquid) and cucumbers are watered before the formation of ovaries and during the period of fruit growth. Frequent use of the additive harms the plant: spots appear, and the yield decreases. 2-3 top dressings are enough for the season.

  • Silvinite. The compound formed by potassium and sodium chloride is called sylvinite. The substance is highly soluble in water. Silvinite is most often used with a potassium salt, since the metal content in the substance itself is low. It is well absorbed in porous soil. To prepare the supplement, take a tablespoon of potassium chloride and sylvinite in a bucket of water, dissolve the powders and water the cucumber seedlings in the second cycle of its growth.

  • Polyhalite. To enhance the growth of fruits and to improve the taste properties, polyhalite is used. The compound consists of aqueous potassium sulfate, calcium, magnesium. The substance itself is not used. However, it can be found in the composition of complex additives. Polyhalite is considered an excellent addition to potash supplements. Use it in the same amount as potash fertilizer: 1 tablespoon per bucket of water. The nutrient mixture is applied to the soil, but it can also be used to irrigate the stems and leaves.

  • Cainite. The double salt of potassium and magnesium is rarely used in agricultural cultivation, as it contains many impurities and a small amount of the main mineral (less than 15%). But to enhance the effect of potash fertilizer, kainite is suitable. Of the identified shortcomings when using top dressing, it is noted that chlorine is present in cainite, which is very harmful to the crop and poisons the soil.

  • Nepheline. The substance is suitable for acidic soil, as it releases free potassium, which plants absorb. The substance is insoluble in water. Nepheline contains magnesium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus. The substance often serves as a raw material for obtaining concentrated potassium salt, it is rarely used by itself, only in combination with other potassium supplements. Nepheline is also used to normalize low pH, it reduces the acidity of the soil.

  • Potassium humate. A substance formed by potassium and sodium from humic acid has become widespread among gardeners. Potassium humate significantly increases soil fertility, accelerates the development of cucumber seedlings. In addition to potassium, the supplement contains antibiotics, peptides, amino acids, and enzymes. Humate can be used to treat cucumber seeds for disinfection and early fruiting, and also to be applied in advance to the soil before planting. A substance is produced from minerals saturated with peat. Most often, humate occurs in liquid form, but it also occurs in a solid state of aggregation. The additive is used to spray the leaves before flowering. Dilute 3 grams of powder in 10 liters of water and spray the green part of the plants with the mixture. For watering, take a tablespoon of the powder in a bucket of water and water the cucumbers during the budding period.


Potassium humate cannot be used in conjunction with other fertilizers, especially those containing phosphorus or nitrogen.

  • Kalimagnesia. The drug consists of 3 elements: potassium (30%), sulfur (17%) and magnesium (10%). The substance is highly soluble in the aquatic environment and is used in liquid form. During the period of growth of the green mass, the additive is sprayed on the plants, it replenishes the balance of sulfur, magnesium and potassium, and has a positive effect on fruit formation. Fertilizer is diluted in the following way: take a tablespoon of dry powder in a bucket and stir until completely dissolved. To prolong the fruiting period, potassium magnesia is used until August.

Biological growth stimulants

For beginner gardeners who have just started growing cucumbers, choosing the right top dressing is not so easy. In such a situation, the solution would be to purchase a ready-made complex additive. The growth stimulator contains the most essential compounds that cucumbers need most. Supplements are easy to use, and the result is impressive after a few days after use.

  • Healthy garden. The name speaks for itself. The main effect of the drug is aimed at enhancing the protective function of vegetables. After watering with fertilizer, the yield increases, and the fruits themselves are stored longer. The drug consists of salts of magnesium, potassium and calcium. Prepare a solution according to the instructions and water the plants with it once a month. If the seedlings have a diseased appearance, then irrigation of the bushes is added to the watering once every 2 weeks. 1 liter of solution is spent on watering a square meter of land.

  • BioGrow. The additive helps to increase the yield by 2-3 times. The number of cucumbers increases due to humic acids in the composition. They, in turn, consist of many trace elements and make up for their deficiency in the soil. The seeds are soaked in the BioGrow growth stimulator before planting - they hatch faster, and the seedlings enter within 3-4 days. Soil treatment is carried out before the cultivation of cucumbers. Dilute a teaspoon of paste in 5 liters of water and water the soil (watering rate - 1 bucket per 3 square meters). BioGrow is used to irrigate seedlings during flowering and set cucumbers.

  • AgroMax. If, when growing cucumbers, you constantly have to deal with problems in the form of yellowing of the leaves, their poor growth, weak shoots, the presence of empty flowers, then AgroMax will help. The preparation contains azotobacteria, humic acid concentrates, iron, protein, amino acids, ash. After using the drug, the balance of the soil improves significantly, the plants are protected from diseases and pests, they better tolerate frost and drought. The drug is used in a diluted form (a teaspoon per 5 liters) for irrigating seedlings and watering the land. According to numerous positive reviews, 2 dressings are enough to achieve a noticeable effect.

  • Baikal EM-1. Possessing a microbiological composition, the drug instantly improves the quality and appearance seedlings. The substance is diluted in a ratio of 1:1000 and watered 2 weeks after plant transplantation. Repeat the procedure after 2-3 weeks. Baikal EM-1 has a powerful effect on the root system: it intensively nourishes it and improves development. As a result, seedlings gain color earlier, the ripening period of cucumbers is reduced. Baikal is used for processing grains before planting, it acts as a good growth stimulator.

  • Agate-25 K. The product has several strong properties. It enhances the formation of new roots, protects the crop from diseases, improves the condition of the soil, and increases the germination of seeds. Agate can be used at the preparatory stage - soak the seeds in it. In the future, top dressing is applied to cucumbers before flowering. Dilute 1 gram of the drug in 4 liters of water and spray cucumber bushes. No more than 2 treatments are performed per month with an interval of 10-14 days. Agate can be used together with fungicides, while its effect is greatly enhanced.


All work carried out with the breeding and use of biological growth stimulants is carried out in personal protective equipment - gloves and goggles.

  • sodium humate. The popular plant growth stimulator is based on humic acids, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, nitrogen. The combination of organic and mineral compounds has a beneficial effect on cucumbers, especially at an early stage of cultivation. Sodium humate is well absorbed by the root system, so it is usually used for irrigation. Dilute a tablespoon of powder in a bucket and water cucumbers in May-June. Humate can be used for soil mulching, but it should only be laid on moist soil. The consumption rate is 50 grams per landing meter. Mulching fertilizer can be mixed with sand and peat.

  • Agricola 5. The fertilizer consists of trace elements, but does not contain chlorine derivatives. The use of Agricola is aimed at increasing the growth of cucumbers, early formation of ovaries and approaching harvest time. The first use of the additive is allowed a week after transplanting the crop into greenhouse conditions. 25 grams of the additive is dissolved in a bucket of water and the soil is treated. Both methods of top dressing are acceptable: root and foliar. For the entire period of growing vegetables, 3-4 top dressings can be made with an interval of 3 weeks.

  • Effecton-O. The universal additive is made from a natural substrate obtained from peat and ash, with the addition of phosphorus and potassium. Effecton contains useful enzymes, humus. After application, the protective ability of cucumbers increases, the process of photosynthesis improves. The preparation is especially suitable for peat and sandy soils, in which it is better absorbed and shows maximum strength. Fertilizer is used for spraying cucumber bushes. 20 grams of the supplement is diluted in 10 liters of water. Processing is carried out 1 time in 2 weeks. Diluted solution can be watered culture. The drug is completely safe and does not have a toxic effect on ripe fruits.

From the whole variety of additives, when choosing, one must proceed from the age of the seedlings, the composition of the soil, as well as the specific climatic conditions of cultivation. Universal additives are in great demand - they are both safe and easy to use. Chemicals are handled more carefully, carefully study the instructions and follow the norm of watering and breeding. No need to experiment and stuff seedlings with all known drugs - there will be no effect. It is enough to find 2-3 suitable fertilizers and apply them systematically. Top dressings are good helpers in growing a crop, but they need to be used wisely.